Home Depot, Anchorage, Alaska, Intrax Macedonia

Iskustvo sa agencijom Intrax Macedonia je bilo pozitivno.
Only praise for the agency , were devoted to their work and Sekogas available for consultation .

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Anchorage, AK je bilo pozitivno.
Wage per hour : 10.75 Number of hours per week : 32 Average tips : Options for the second work has a lot and you only need to have desire and energy. Climate through the year is a very pleasant 20 to 30 degrees. A lot places to visit, Alaska is rich with natural beauties. Cities are not very big , several streets in center and countless restaurants gift shops and opportunities for work .

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Home Depot je bilo neutralno.
The work is very easy and simple at the register. You need knowledge of the English language daily , still, you're in contact with clients . At the beginning we had small problems with schedules but it is quickly fixed, hours on average, about 32 per week had weeks when they gave 40 hours depending on the need of the market. We were accepted very nice by employees and managers who were available for any kind of problem

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Lara koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2014. preko agencije Intrax Macedonia, posao kod poslodavca Home Depot u Anchorage, AK.

Jul 29, 2016