I had another job. The first job I was quite sufficient. I had a lot of hours and overtime. Nightlife was interesting. It is a little town in question, but since we were the only foreign students were the center of attention and in whatever pub to go (there were 3) it would be very interesting and nice. We had a lot of company there, so we spent a lot of time in the house, because they came to us. The climate is quite cold. We had a few hot days, which is a lot easier for business. Towards the end of the program is more rain I was quite frequent, so it was a little inconsistent. That year we suffered I hurricane, which was another interesting experience! =) Residents were first kept us at a distance. We were greeted with mild Guard. Often we are able to hear stories from people with whom we went out we were there with the intention of marriage and staying there. However, for us it was funny and we did not really pay attention to it all. Then I changed the opinion they're a bit after I had been really great. They were very kind and compassionate!
- Negativno
- Tanja Bojovic
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