The climate is very stable , but it is not as warm as I expected . Since it is located beside the city on the coast of the Pacific Ocean , he can blow a cool breeze . The temperature is around 26-29 degrees C. Rains almost was not for 4 months. i recommend that you bring clothes , jacket ! Mornings and nights are not . really fresh. Nature is phenomenal. In the surroundings you can see pelicans , a variety of different beautiful little birds , squirrels , sea lions , otters , dolphins , and who is lucky to be standing and the whale . Beautiful ' redwood ' forests , beautiful rocky coastline. Santa Cruz is a great place for nature lovers. The town is small, does not have a nightlife. Everything closes around 12 at night, only has pubs , cafes . The city is decorated, clean, cute. The only criticism is that there is a loooot of homeless (not dangerous ) , people who beg. In the vicinity there are a couple of shopping centers with a solid choice. There is also a local bus that is clean and accurate . The food is a little more expensive, and not all GMO has Organic .
- Pozitivno
- Jelena Radovanović
- Celo iskustvo
There were opportunities in restaurants , depending on when they are looking for ... small town , but very pleasant , on the coast ... Near San Francisco , and San Jose 's. Air - warmer during the day , but mornings and evenings cool .. Accommodation: Price $ 130 per 2 weeks ... apartment was great for us 4 girls dark ... and well equipped ( furniture, kitchen utensils) . Do not expect anything special ( because it is not ) , but it is solid .
- Pozitivno
- Anja
- Celo iskustvo
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