Fountainhead developments
- Početna
- Poslodavci
- Fountainhead developments
Fountainhead developments, Fairbanks, AYUSA
7 years agoWe always had 40 hours, hourly rate plus 10.5 $ 0.5 bonus for each completed hour ... A lot of us, it was a job J1 sometimes insufficient or they had to comply with, and so we give them a huge plus.. Otherwise hotel like that is not overly no looks from the outside while the inside is very nicely arranged with a decent equipment ... hotel complex is quite large, I think there are 10 buildings, managers and supervisors were ok, the mood of the story, Howdy Doody, for socializing or when you make a mistake at work be punished no matter what you do it intentionally or not, the penalty is known and respected. It must be nonstop, but the hotel is large and it is difficult to control the 40 people in the room every day but if you are caught going home, 4 times if you get caught you're sitting / listening to music / cackle phone / not wearing appropriate clothing or sleeping on the job, lose job and accommodation that was provided to us and very polite (three in an apartment for $ 62 a week).
- Pozitivno
- Nikola
- Celo iskustvo
Fountainhead development, FAIRBANKS,AK, Ayusa
8 years agoThis company has a couple of hotels, and I worked at the Bear Lodge at the Wedgewood Resort (which has apartments for guests, not hotel-type accommodation.) Job housekeeper is not difficult, but it depends now, there are days when you get 60 rooms and a sweat for 7 hour as ever, but there are days when you get just 10 rooms and easy when you work all day snails ... The contract stated that we will have from 32 to 40 hours a week, so it was, so the chances for overtime does not exist. The hourly rate $ 10.5 at the end of the season to give 50 cents for each completed hour. As was the tip or sometimes just the minimum, and we hatched our competent to take tips mainly:) (which should not work but now this evidence) It is from half past 8 to 5 pm, and you have one unpaid break of half an hour and the other of 15 minutes, which is paid ... most of us are clocking for the first break for a short time, and here now we arrived last paycheck and I see we all move as if I had a break of 30 minutes, so do not bother: D Several people were fired (which is obtained after 3 warnings), but they're getting if you get caught you're sitting at work or sleep.. But they checked us and suites because the manager lives in the same building and gave warnings for loud music, smoking etc ... in the room a lot of people are so lost deposits for accommodation on bass stupid way ... The employer has provided accommodation, about 15 minutes by bike from the Wedgewood Resort, 3 people in the apartment, you have a kitchen, sofa, TV, and furnished all have dishes, towels, linens ... next to the bedroom with 3 mattresses and bathroom. Not bad quarters although it is getting old and it was terribly dirty when we moved ... When he was fired and that he had to vacate a cheaper accommodation than this you will not find ... (73 $ per week)
- Neutralno
- Katarina
- Celo iskustvo
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