Panera Bread
- Početna
- Poslodavci
- Panera Bread
Panera Bread, New York, New York, AYUSA
8 years agoWage per hour: 8.75 $ Number of hours per week: 15 Average tips: 0 The negative experience is for the simple reason because we have not been scheduled. Panera has otherwise been accommodated in Brooklyn (Downtown Brookyn). When we got there first failed to comply with the start of the contract, we began to work a week later than planned dates and the date that was in the contract. When we started to work and they put us within two or three days, and after four to five hours a day. Hourly rate fo us was terribly small. Weekly we did not have twenty hours, and we were paid $ 8.75 per hour. After a month and a half they told us to go on Holiday, I sad to them that we arrived at the Holiday, for us this program is actualy holiday. Then they told us we'll call you. We called them about three weeks, and pray that put us on the schedule on what they were saying we'll put you .. In the end we've no longer been in this schedule. We have given up on that storie and we did not work for them anymore, and they were not interested where we are and what we are doing ... But although the experience with Panera Bread was negative, really everything else is more than positive. I worked as a server in Astoria in a cafe in Manhattan, the host I worked in a restaurant in Times Sq and I worked catering for girls .. my advice to you is to work as servers because it has a really good tips, guys have the possibility of a hill server to the moving course and other activities .. Whatever you're doing and where you are, especially if you're in New York you'll see it's worth every penny. Naturally sometimes it can be difficult for few moments, but in the end it's all irrelevant, because it was too beautiful. Experience was priceless! Anyone who has the opportunity should go and see what they can and can not do, and realize that thay actyally everything can do. :) Greetings!
- Negativno
- Katarina
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