Fudgery, Kill Devil Hills NC, Ccusa
7 years agoLocation is fine. The house you are in is a two bedroom small apartment. Although they promise a room with 2 beds, we got a room with 4 beds. No kitchen. The kitchen is one electric cooker and a refrigerator. The dishes are washed in the bathroom.
- Negativno
- Natasa Hunjadi
- Celo iskustvo
I love the place so much. It is so beautiful and magical for me. The transportation is quite a problem but it doesn't matter.
- Pozitivno
- Phoebe Jane Lagas
- Celo iskustvo
Food Lion, Kill Devil Hills, SNAP
8 years agoAir is terrible, life is impossible without air conditioning, humidity up to 98%. The area of strong and frequent hurricanes. I'm lucky, so it was while I was there. For the girls a lot easier finding additional work. Live in homes with the Americans, you get a room on the use, shared bathroom and shared kitchen. Prices are from $ 75-100 per person per week.
- Neutralno
- Jelena V.
- Celo iskustvo
Food Lion, Kill Devil Hills, SNAP
8 years agoFor the girls a lot easier to do other things to do , very hard to find a job in the second half of June , the deadline for coming to the island as for the other work place May unless you have some recommendations . Life is impossible without air conditioning , very humid and up to 98 % . Accommodation : For students very expensive , at the level of New York . If you 4 in the room $ 75 per person , for 3 80 per person , for two 90 solo and 100 , the prices are on a weekly basis and all are the same , as if they were all agreed .
- Neutralno
- Nikola P.
- Celo iskustvo
Mesto se nalazi izmedju okeana i jezera stvarno predivno mnogo stvari ima da se vidi drugi posao se bas lako nadje ima dosta studenata taki da ima i zurki kucne klubovi itd
- Pozitivno
- Luka Berezljev Jokic
- Celo iskustvo
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