Mount Snow, West Dover, Karavan Travel
8 years agoSumovito mesto. Smestaj: Moze se naci super i jeftin smestaj.
- Neutralno
- Dusan
- Celo iskustvo
Mountaineer Inn, West Dover, Wizantiana
8 years agoThe city is wonderful what the nature of your business. But youth is not particularly interesting because after the hurricane places to go almost nonexistent. And we are in the next town , so you have to live there , or have a car. There go free bus, too, but only by 5.30 Accommodation: The price of accommodation and food 125 dollars week. can be found much cheaper , but you do not have to cook , I just went down to the kitchen of the hotel and take what you want . When guests are in the hotel, chef works with him you order what you want , three meals a day . In this table you can between yourself eating when you want. The room is double and you'll be alone or possibly a roommate . Washing machine and the dryer are available free of charge as well as WiFi, gym , pool and hot tub. Perhaps it is more expensive but it is worth . Since you live , where you work , and you do not have to waste time on transport and steam .
- Negativno
- Brankica
- Celo iskustvo
Mountaineer Inn, West Dover, Wizantiana
8 years agoThe city is wonderful what the nature of your business. But youth is not particularly interesting because after the hurricane places to go almost nonexistent. And we are in the next town , so you have to live there , or have a car. Ide and free bus but only by 5.30 Accommodation: The price of accommodation and food 125 dolars week. can be found much cheaper , but you do not have to cook , I just went down to the kitchen of the hotel and take what you want . When guests are in the hotel, chef works with him you order what you want , three meals a day . In this table you can between yourself eating when you want. The room is double and you'll be alone or possibly a roommate . Washing machine and the dryer are available free of charge as well as WiFi, gym , pool and hot tub. Perhaps it is more expensive but it is worth . Since you live , where you work , and you do not have to waste time on transport and steam .
- Negativno
- Brankica
- Celo iskustvo
Mount Snow, West Dover, Karavan Travel
8 years agoSto se drugog posla tice, moze da se nadje ali u gradicu Wilmingtonu koji je na 20 min od Dovera. Moze i u Doveru ali prva smena sto znaci da cete moci da radite na drugom poslu samo kada imate slobodno na prvom. Sto znaci da nemate slobodnog dana i naporno je tako. Kao sto sam rekao u Wilmingtonu moze da se nadje posao dishwashera za drugu smenu. Ljudi su super, uvek spremni da ti pomognu. Klima, kao u Srbiji samo sto je pocetak oktobra hladniji jer je ipak ovde planinski predeo. Nocni zivot je 0! Ovde je sezona zimi tako da je leti sve mrtvo ali ima puno kucnih zurki tako da ne brinite. Smestaj: Smestaj je super i jeftin. Prva tri meseca sam placao 50$ nedeljno super kucu sa masinom za sudove,ves, za susenje apsolutno sve. Poslednji mesec sam nasao cak jeftiniji smestaj i to je i najjeftinija kuca u Doveru. Placao 35$ nedeljno i bilo bi cak jeftnije da nas nije otisla vecina posto sto vise ljudi to jeftnije.
- Neutralno
- Alen A.
- Celo iskustvo
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