Lokacija je uzasna za work and travel studente koji zele zaraditi novac za putovanje. Grad je mali nema sta previse da se vidi ali lokacija mu i nije bas losa jer se nalazi izmedju NYC i Bostona dva najpopularnija grada. Nemojte nikada tu da idete ukoliko nemate food and beverage posao, servira ili room dostave ili tako nesto u hotelu The Ocean House. Grad je razbacan za sve vam treba auto i nemoguce je ici sa posla na drugi posao ukoliko ste smjesteni na mjesto gdje su smjesteni svi J1 studenti. Ukoliko prihvatite i podjete u ovaj grad mučićete se sa jednim poslom i drugi posao ce vam u glavnom biti ponekad sa ljudima koji rade na crno sa radnicima i dolaze po vas ispred kuce i vrate vas ali to je ograniceno i nema bas svaki dan posla. Ukoliko radite posao servira u dobrom restoranu imacete dobre pej cekove i nece vam trebati drugi posao. Ako imate 21 godinu ima gdje da se i izadje, ima plaznih barova ali su u glavnom dosadni. Sve u svemu budite oprezni i nemojte ici u ovo mjesto koliko god vam agencije pricale sve najljepse o njemu jer svi ljudi kad dodju tek onda shvate to.
- Negativno
- Nole
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, RI, Karavan Travel
6 years agoSezonski grad koji ne nudi mnogo opcija za zabavu ali podrazumeva minimalnu potrošnju i veću šansu za putovanje nakon isteka radne vize.
- Pozitivno
- Tamara Lukic
- Celo iskustvo
Pozitivno na kvradrat. Radio sam 4 posla. Mesto ne moze mnogo da se potrosi a moze da se radi puno. NIje mesto za provod ali vise za zaradu.
- Pozitivno
- N.S.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, RI, Karavan
8 years agoMalo turisticko mesto, ziveo sam 5 min od plaze, sat vremena od Njuporta, za izlaske samo kafici na plazi.
- Pozitivno
- Branko
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoThe city has about 20 000 inhabitants and it is not bad. Boston is about an hour by train. Very easily you can find an additional job, because you'll live to around 200 meters from the ocean, and there are many restaurants, cafes, shops, motels, hotels ... Accommodation was excellent. Cable TV, Internet, washing machine and dryer, all that is needed for a normal life. Parties almost every night, as we were about 30 international students. Price: 100 USD / week.
- Pozitivno
- Nikola
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoThe place is small but beautiful, on the shores of the ocean. The climate is perfect, moderate summer and mild fall. Nightlife is not very developed, only a few bars. In order to have a better time, has to go to neighboring towns that are situated at about 30-40 min drive. Finding another job in my case was not easy, because my first job is not enough space left for different shifts. With other employers would be difficult to conclude an agreement if they were available to work with them. If I look at the experience of other European students with whom I lived, another job has been possible to find, but the main problem is transportation because city traffic in general does not exist. $ 100 per week. Accommodation was solid but I think it is not good enough for that price.
- Neutralno
- Dijana
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoA small town on the coast of the ocean, air perfect, temp. + 33 max. There are many bars on the beach, but if you have high night life ? can do casino Foxwoods resort which is only 40 min. (Taxi or the newly acquired American friends and colleagues from work ? because they are totally ok) Accommodation has provided us the hotel where we were doing (their property). $ 100 per week. Clean, 3 minutes from the beach, motel with about twenty apartments where is situated an average of three students. Apartments are equipped with refrigerators, small cooker (most), microwave, TV. Party say whenever you want, but we had a problem because of the noise, and the police she admonished us because they were neighbors flooded, so be quiet as possible!
- Pozitivno
- Tanja
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoLocality nothing special for another job a little more difficult, but a lot of people to find extra work in mid-July, as to the night life, there have 2-3 cafe, nothing special (it is best to make ourselves party), air-ok (I had air conditioning in the room ? Double and four-bed rooms (Apartment) Price 100 $ I think it should be a little cheaper, but ok.
- Pozitivno
- Alen
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoVery monotonous, tourist place, but without a car forget about any kind of entertainment, there will be a deal-house ... except perfect beach. Additional work can be found, just need to be very persistent, cv wear every day to keep you well remember, until you say you're boring and you've got a job ? p. s. perhaps not immediately the first month, but they make the effort will find it sooner or later ? Accommodation, hm ? I had a chance, big apartment with two rooms and a kitchen ... such is perhaps another three in the whole motel, and it's great if you go with the society ... the rest are small double rooms ... although we have a common room with a large kitchen ... ma at all get used to the good society, and that will be for sure ?
- Neutralno
- Jelena
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoThe climate is perfect, the temperature did not exceed more than 35 degrees, the nights they knew to be warm but not terrible, it was the rainy days, but mostly rain when it falls just before noon or in the evening. Nightlife is not bad, there are a couple of bars that are open until 1 am or anything special that would be really great time you have to go about 30 minutes on the car in Foxwoods resort to recommend that mandatory visit and within it are two clubs Shrine and Scoripion As for the additional job of finding at first none of us are not too sought him, but in the end all that we wanted to have two jobs we find, really great possibility of founding just need to be persistent, where to be seen: -Breezway Resort -Sandy Shore -villa -Pleasant view -Pady's -Maria's -Windjammer Accommodation We have paid 100 $ no matter how many of us in the room .. it was a room for couples, a special room for two people, three, four .. It was the entire motel (Blue Ocean) which were all employees of the Ocean House, about 40 people .. Internet, air conditioning, hot water always, new bedding, TV and some rooms even had a stove, while those that did not had to use the stove in the common room where he was also a washing machine and drying. It has to find a better society but principally because nobody went there ?
- Pozitivno
- Ivan M.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoThe place is located on the ocean, in a beautiful and peaceful tourist town; the possibility of finding another job is large, private hotels and motels, and restaurants on the beach. Nightlife is not so diverse; there are several beach bars which are open until 1 am. Although the city is located on the ocean, the climate is variable, frequent rain and clouds, the temperature barely exceeds 35 degrees. We were placed at a motel a minute walk from the beach, the accommodation price was $ 100 per week. Housing conditions were satisfactory. A good place to hang out!
- Pozitivno
- Nikola
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoThe possibility of finding second job from the end of June, beginning of July because of the season that starts in that period of time. Nightlife is almost non-existent, a few bars on the beach that is close to 1. The climate is very pleasant. Accommodation $ 100 for a week, so we ordered the employer, it may be unable to find something else, but for this price gain all that is necessary and solid quality, most importantly, close to the beach, where you can easily find additional jobs .
- Pozitivno
- Bojan J.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoA little place, a tourist. In May you will rarely see someone, but in July and August will be on the streets of the column of cars that go to the beach. The climate is perfect. Plaza enormous. In addition to the beach there are hotels, restaurants and a few clubs. In the center is Walmart, McDonalds, TJMaxx, Donkey Donuts, Stop & Shop, etc., etc. Very quiet place. After the 4th of July is very easy to find extra work. The town itself is located between New York City and Boston, so that those who are living here and working their days off can be used for a tour of these cities, as well as many small and interesting towns that are located nearby. Accommodation: All students who are working for the Ocean House will be accommodated in motels. This year, international students were in one, and American students in another motel. Both are kidnapped by the beach. The price of accommodation is 100 usd per week which is not little, or no extra cost and quality of accommodation is ok. Rooms with 2,3 and 4 beds. There is a common room where there is a kitchen, laundry room with a tumble dryer and washing, and WIFI internet.
- Pozitivno
- Dušan A.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoAll seeking additional work, although I now think that you will not, fathers, believe me. For additional job I recommended Windjammer surf bar, where I worked as a line cook for 11 dollars an hour.
- Pozitivno
- V. R.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, RI, Karavan Travel
8 years agoThere are plenty of descriptions of this place on this site, but I will add more, although I already wrote. The right of a small tourist place where the transaction is to anyone who wants to work. The only drawback is the short season, which lasts from June to September. But enough to earn more than enough!
- Pozitivno
- Ivan M
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoGrad je na obali okeana, sa savrsenom klimom. Sto se tice nalazenja drugog posla, mogucnosti postoje u motelima na obali, ili barovima, i vecina je imala drugi posao. Ja licno nisam pronasla, (verovatno nisam bila dovoljno uporna), ali sa druge strane mozda ne bih imala toliko slobodnog vremena da posvetim obilasku okolnih gradova, kao sto jesam. Ukoliko vam je prioritet ovog putovanja zarada, savetujem vam da pronadjete drugi posao, jer sa jednim necete toliko zaraditi - sem ako ne radite na poziciji server. :)
- Neutralno
- Ivana Jankovic
- Celo iskustvo
Posto ima nekoliko iskustava iz ovog malog mesta sve je receno pa ne bih ponavljao isto. Odnosi se na grad, a sto se tice mesta gde sam radio mozete pogledati na sledecem sajtu : http://www.thevillaatwesterly.com/ U pitanju je povelika kuca koja ima 8 soba, zaposljava 4 devojke koje unutrsanjost cine lepom i spremaju dorucak, i jednu osobu da sve izvan kuce izgleda lepo a to sam ja :D
- Pozitivno
- Nikola Vukasinovic
- Celo iskustvo
Svako ko hoce da radi dodatni posao moze ga naci, ali mora poceti sa trazenjem istog na vreme. Klima je slicna nasoj, mesto je sasvim prijatno za boravak.
- Pozitivno
- Miodrag Lazarevic
- Celo iskustvo
Westerly je jako mali gradić, ali isto tako i jako lijep. Ko voli prirodu, šetnjice i kuliranje na plaži sigurno se neće pokajati. Noćni život nije na visokom nivou, svega par klubova na plaži koji uglavnom rade do 1h posle ponoći. Dobar provod svakako nije izostao, jer smo uglavnom pravili žurke i zezali se u motelu u kojem smo stanovali. U suštini je sve do vas, ako se dobro organizujete neće vam biti dosadno. Osim toga, motel se nalazio nekih stotinjak metara od plaže, tako da smo slobodno vrijeme preko dana uglavnom provodili tamo. Mogućnost nalaženja drugog posla je velika, tako da su svi oni koji su to htjeli, pronašli drugi posao. Klima je slična našoj, temperature idu do 35 stepeni, ali je isto tako bio i veliki broj kišnih dana za jedno primorsko mjesto. Imao sam jako dobro iskustvo sa mještanima, uvijek su spremni pomoći, jako ljubazan i kulturan svijet.
- Pozitivno
- Mile Antić
- Celo iskustvo
Weekapaug Inn,Westerly, RI, Karavan Travel
8 years agoWesterli je mali gradic na obali okeana sa odlicnom klimom. Drugi posao se moze naci u centru koji je udaljen nekih 5 km od plaze ili u barovima na samoj plazi. Nalazenje drugog posla nije problem, samo treba biti uporan.
- Pozitivno
- DC
- Celo iskustvo
E ovako, Westerly je miran, "mali" grad u kome nema nekog provoda. Svi barovi rade do 1h, osim u Connecticatu gde rade do 2h. Bicikla ce vam svakako trebati ako zelite da odete do plaze, nadjete drugi posao, odete u shopping, mada gledajte da se sprijateljite sa vozacima shuttlea (mini kombi koji vas vozi do posla) i vozice vas bez problema :)... J1 studenti koji rade u WI zive u motelu Ambasador. Motel ima 10 soba, sve sobe su dvokrevetne, zajednicka dnevna soba, kuhinja i trpezarija. Drugi posao moze da se nadje samo je potrebno da budete uporni i da vam raspored na prvom poslu dozvoljava da radite ( u mom slucaju, ja sam samo 1 ili 2 dana radila drugi posao jer sam u WI radila svako vece, a treci posao sam nasla tek zadnjeg meseca).
- Pozitivno
- Milica
- Celo iskustvo
Westerly, Weekapaug Inn, Karavan Travel
8 years agoMotel u kojem smo bili smjesteni, obezbjeđen od strane poslodavca, nalazio se na udaljenosti od oko 50m od plaže, dakle na samoj obali, što je bila jedna od prednosti. Međutim, plaža, i 3 kluba/bara koja postoje na plazi, bili su jedino što nam je bilo blizu, i za šta nam nije bio potreban prevoz. Za sve drugo, prodavnice, banku, apoteku, morali smo da se snalazimo, s obzirom da u gradu nije postojao javni prevoz, niti je neko od nas imao kola na raspolaganju. Što se dodatnog posla tiče, ko god je želio, našao ga je. Neki čak i 2 :) Nije mnogo teško,samo treba biti odlučan i ići od poslodavca do poslodavca, dok vam neko ne kaže- DA :) Što se tiče izlazaka i noćnog života, na plaži su ta 3 kluba, koja brzo dosade, ali bar možete da skoknete na piće kad god poželite, jer su toliko blizu. A ako se ponekad organizujete i obezbjedite kola, imaćete mnogo veće mogućnosti. Postoje zaista fenomenalni klubovi i mjesta za noćni život na oko samo 30-ak min vožnje, kao i mnogo zanimljivih mjesta koja možete obići kada imate slobodan dan. Relativno blizu je i Providence (glavni grad), kao i Boston i New York City.
- Pozitivno
- N.B.
- Celo iskustvo
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