Aquarius Motel
- Početna
- Poslodavci
- Aquarius Motel
Wage per hour: 8 + bonus at the end of 0.5 & / h Number of hours per week: 26 - 30 Average tip: 10 - 20 $ Almost negative. Insufficient number of hours because the motel is small, and the bosses were non stop at your '' neck '. Even after 3 months of almost perfectly work. Hours: 8 + bonus at the end of 0.5 & / h Number of hours per week: 26 - 30 Average tip: 10 - 20 $ Almost negative. Insufficient number of hours because the motel is small, and the boss were non stop '' neck '. Even after 3 months almost perfectly odrađivanog job. Second job: Palace Playland Park, an operator at the games, the supervisor - The biggest attraction OOB's luna park Veli. Part of the area with rides and games are two separate sections of the park. Work on the rides is not difficult, while at the games a little more demanding. During the management of the games you have to stand and be ready to communicate with guests at any time. I worked the second shift, from 5 to closing, usually around midnight. Time is not fixed because it depends on the weather and visitors. It's a little hard when it's very hot, but I remember only the good moments. The team was phenomenal, we all got along nicely, with three main supervisors who were always there for us. The timetable is $ 8.5 with the ability to advance if I show. Basically, you need a lot of smiles and kindness, to which hosts respond best. Park does not work when heavy rain or storm, this year only three times has been the case. This option for another job I would recommend to anyone who wants to improve their language and who are looking for less physically demanding job.
- Neutralno
- Branislava
- Celo iskustvo
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