Ocean House
- Početna
- Poslodavci
- Ocean House
U pitanju je ozbiljna hotelska grupa koja na prvi pogled sve najbolje obezbjedjuje za svoje radnike ali to je samo nekoliko nedelja, posle je sve gore i gore, hrana i sve ostalo. Prekovremene sate ne dozvoljavaju, stede budzet na jamajcanima crncima i crnkinjama i na J1 studentima koji gresni dodju tamo. Najveci broj radnika u hotelu su Jamajcani, crnci. Ove sezone konkretno su menadzeri poceli da napustaju jer vise ne mogu da izdrze sve to. Radnici stari su napustili taj hotel. Trenutna situacija je veoma losa. The OH nije sto je nekad bio tako zvuci po pricama ljudi koji rade godinama i J1 studentima koji se vracaju na program godinama tamo. Moja pozicija je bila Spa Attendant, to je najgora moguca pozicija koja postoji u hotelu i nemojte nikada to da prihvatite. Satnica mi je bila 10.5$ po satu. Za 40 radnih sati pej cek mi je bio kada se oduzmu takse i stanarina($100) oko 270$ sto je tragicno, nikad preko. Overtime mi nisu nikad davali i necete ga sigurno imati. Postoje 3 smjene, 7-3, tu smjenu u glavnom Amerikanci dobijaju a vas moze zadesiti 1-2 puta sedmicno sto je za drugi posao veoma lose. Smjena 10-6, medju smjena, izgubljeni dan ni tamo ni tamo. I smjena 12-8 koju cete najvise raditi ako prihvatite taj posao i podjete tamo. Sa tom smjenom apsolutno nemate sansi da radite 2. posao. Posao kao posao nije tezak, jednostavan je i nije naporan. Menadzerka nije losa ali nije ni dobra, godinama je u tome poslu, zna da bude veoma nezgodna.
- Negativno
- Nole
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, RI, Karavan Travel
6 years agoDobra saradnja.
- Pozitivno
- Tamara Lukic
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, RI, Karavan
8 years agoDva puta na programu, isti poslodavac; Overtime je bio tokom cele sezone, radio sam 6 dana u nedelji, satnica je bila 5 dolara plus baksis (oko 500 dolara nedeljno); drugi posao sam radio u The Villa - garden stuff, satnica je bila 12 dolara, bio je dosta lagan, sam sam organizovao vreme, korektni vlasnici.
- Pozitivno
- Branko
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago$ 5.5 per hour + tips Hours not that great, but the tips are more than excellent. You can easily earn 500-600 USD a week. I am one week and came out on the 850 format. It is only 40 hours a week, which means that you will have 2 or 3 days off.
- Pozitivno
- Nikola
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago$ 9.50, overtime 14.50, about 45 hours per week Morning meeting with the manager where we were given tasks for the day, ie. rooms that need to clean up. Dan flowed depending on the number of guests, with their early or late arrivals or departures. Once the day was relaxed, and sometimes we had to work hastily and without a break.
- Pozitivno
- Dijana
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago$ 5 a hour, but with the tips reach up to 16 $ on average, and sometimes more Job Description: The removal takes about 7 am, but to stay if needed overtime to gooood paid. You must be prepared for tough shifts and be smiling from morning to night: D. Managers are totally ok, are correct, and are always coming out to meet us on the free days and so on ... There are 4 restaurants, a schedule and specific obligations depend on the position and restaurants ... Total tips are deployed to all waiters, without "hiding love by pockets ".
- Pozitivno
- Tanja
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago$ 9 for 40 hours a week, tips about $ 150 a month (miserable, but don't have what to do) Job description: I worked a long shift, come to work and catch the dishes, or cystic kitchen, tossing garbage ... there's a lot of wisecracks, because the job is not seeking any experience and you do not need some knowledge of language. Oh, yes, now there were 2 kitchens, smaller and larger, and both have showers for the run-off dishes, but to go down to the crates and fed into a machine that normally works at 170 degrees, which means that it is very hot and a lot of steam because the ventilation is perfect ...
- Neutralno
- Alen
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago$ 9.5 overtime possible, if you want to do :) monthly tips, a nice feeling to wait for a check 10.tog the month ? Job Description: You get a couple of rooms (6+), at the beginning may seem like hard work, but you get used to all, not at all the dirty work, though it is 4-5 star hotel :) you change the linens, towels, cleaning bathrooms, dust , all that each of us at least once worked at home "guess" ? People who already work there are great, will help in all. I do not need any special knowledge of English, all this science in a few weeks ?
- Pozitivno
- Jelena
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago$ 9 tips miserable on a monthly basis about 120 $, still 40 hours per week Job description: Washing dishes and kitchen maintenance in short, there are two kitchens, so that you western ? There are 5 restaurants in yourself is to maintain the courts from all 5 clean, counting plates, pans, pots, plates and other dishes. When there is not much eye wash cleaning vessels, clean the kitchen, floor, walls, metal surfaces, utility room (always full of food ?) Then supply the cafeteria juices, food and everything else. Sometimes even chopping and preparing food. After a pretty hard job, working with hot water under steam until the washed dishes ... but it had its advantages, continuous 40-hour break every day no matter if it is crowded or ne..kuvari us who supplied the food ?
- Pozitivno
- Ivan M.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoThe timetable is $ 9.5, a tip on a monthly basis is good, it is on average 40 hours a week. Business Houseman is to maintain storage housekeeping on each of the floors of the hotel. This includes the adoption and sorting of clean towels and bed linen, as well as the removal of garbage, dirty laundry and dirty dishes and folding it into the kitchen. Much of the work day is done in an elevator, because the job is very dynamic.
- Pozitivno
- Nikola
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago$ 9 an hour, 50 $ tipping a week and 40 hours a week Washing dishes, emptying bins in the kitchen, cleaning and scrubbing the kitchen. If you can avoid this position, because in this employer (Ocean House) you can find a much better position. Weak is the percentage of the monthly service charge, more precisely 3% of the total stock tips, which come out about $ 150 a month, while the other positions received drastically bigger tips.
- Pozitivno
- Bojan J.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years ago9.5 per hour, about 200 monthly bonus, about a week 37 hours Spa attendant is one of the worst positions that you can get at this hotel, primarily due to earnings at all other positions except for the larger kitchen help, and sometimes housekeeping positions. The work is not hard, what's more, the hard part is that you are on your feet all 7,8h because there is no where to sit down (of course, when the manager is not there you can also take a nap if you need not just to sit down). After arriving at work if you work the first shift first thing you are doing is making today's newspapers and magazines, filling a bowl with ice, passing a bottle of water, turning saunas etc. This is followed by wiping dust, mirrors, floors, vacuuming .. When the guests begin to come to oneself is that they introduce, explain where they are, show me how to use a locker, use water and snacks etc. After the guests leave comes the dirty work such as collecting used towels and carry them to the basement where they go to wash. It is necessary to constantly visit all parts of the spa center, such as a gym, swimming pool, male and female locker rooms, rest room, terrace, locker rooms for the beach, etc. in order at any time, everything was perfectly clean and filled with a clean towel, soap, etc. Hotel otherwise has 4 stars and 5 stars SPA center is the largest and terror in the sense that everything has to be perfect for alleged Forbes inspection, which otherwise is visiting each of the hotel ranked 1 year and decides whether retain the same number of stars, or that they will eliminate / add some. The SPA center of most of the staff is very young. And all colleagues, including managers are extremely correct. Menu each time I went out to meet when I asked for the day off, or in the form of scheduling so that I could fit in work on additional work.
- Neutralno
- Dušan A.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoHours: 10.50 $ Number of hours per week: 40 Average payoff: 70 $ per month Description Employer: Hotel is a luxurious, five-star, just google little and everything will be clear. I recommend this employer, is one of the best if not the best offer Wagon travel. First mistake to interview me was that I said that I still ie what position I'm going to get and of course, I got the worst: steward (dishwasher). This is the worst position, much like wet from the shower that you rinse dishes before inserting it into the machine, "trucks" dirty dishes behind you, the more you wash, the more dirty dishes there, and all this for only $ 9 per hour. To my luck that I deal only worked two days, because they needed a night cleaner. (Overnight cleaner) e the job is all ok, only the accident as night shift comes from 23h to 7.30.h. But no work under pressure during the night manager who does not have you standing over your head, you changed chefs night around 3 am good food. A job as a job applicant: dishwasher hundred dishwasher does not get to finish, and often leave a lot of dishes. Then, moping floors, eject trash cans in a machine that sorts, and from both the kitchen, washing the hood, etc ... Safes once you ask that drains water wash, etc ... But, again, there is no pressure, I knew the meal break to the right up to an hour, the road to get out and get in a little on the internet, because the other night workers often used the smoke pause, a pause, and sleep and I used the wi fi pause Hours I was 10:50 dollars, still guaranteed 40 hours per week, and monthly tips about $ 70. Accommodation is in a separate motel from which you organize ride to work, the motel is situated about 50 students from all over the world, and all these students working in the Ocean House. Accommodation is decent, rooms with a toilet, refrigerator and microwave for two, a room for 4 have a kitchen. you have a large common room with internet and a shared kitchen and washing machine. Accommodation costs $ 100 a week and is located just a hundred meters from the beach and there you are usually looking for extra work.
- Pozitivno
- V. R.
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, RI, Karavan Travel
8 years agoHourly: 14 $ Number of hours per week: 40 Average tip: no I worked in a restaurant of the hotel, a big responsibility, but it was good paid. Another old I am and they promoted me to the position. Mainly prepared seafood, sandwiches and salads.
- Pozitivno
- Ivan M
- Celo iskustvo
Ocean House, Westerly, Karavan Travel
8 years agoSatnica:10 $ Broj sati nedeljno: Prosek napojnica: 90$ - 140$ Opis poslodavca: Smena traje oko 7-8 h, s tim sto postoji mogucnost da vas posalju ranije kuci ako nema posla, ili da ostanete duze ukoliko je to potrebno. Prekovremeni rad se dooobro placa, tako da...:) Moja zaduzenja kada otvaramo restoran su bila da pripremim svoj pult, da pripremim menije, roll ups-e (pribor umotan u salvetu), pripremiti kompjutere, programe, proveriti stolove, stolice, pomoci serverima u pripremi koliko je moguce, obezbediti listu gostiju koji tog dana stizu u hotel, kako bi znali da li postoji neko obavestenje koje se mora izdvojiti... Nasmejani ste od danas do sutra, bilo je dana kada je sve proticalo savrseno, ali je bilo i jako napornih dana, sa napornim gostima, ali je sve to opis posla. Moj posao je bio da docekam goste, zapisem njihovo ime, organizujem sedenje, i ukoliko je prevelika guzva napravim listu cekanja za prvi slobodan sto. Menadzeri su uvek tu i od pomoci sta god da zatreba i kakav god problem da imate. Nekad necete primetiti razliku izmedju vas i menadzera jer oni rade isto tako naporno. Iskreno, ja sam jako volela svoj posao i uzivala sam radeci u Ocean House-u. Ovo leto i iskustvo ne bih menjala ni za sta i ponovo bih se vratila tamo. Takodje, moje iskustvo za zaradom je pozitivno. Nekad nisam imala punih 40h nedeljno, ali sam ucestvovala u nedeljnoj raspodeli tips-a, pa se sve to nadoknadi. Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja mozete me kontaktirati ili ovde ili na fb-u pod imenom Ivana Jankovic. Nadam se da sam vam bar malo pomogla. :) Pozdrav i srecno!
- Pozitivno
- Ivana Jankovic
- Celo iskustvo
Satnica:8$ + tips Broj sati nedeljno:32-38 Prosek napojnica: 100 dolara sedmicno Imaćete trening par dana na kome će vam objasniti šta treba da radite i šta očekuju od vas. Posao počinje jako rano, negdje oko 7h ujutru, a završava oko 3h popodne. Najviše posla ima između 7 i 11, kada se sprema cijela plaža i Dune Cottage za goste. Vaš posao je da postavite suncobrane, otvorite ležaljke, očistite palubu, stolove i donesete sve potrebne stvari za taj dan. (led, peškire, namirnice itd.) Posle toga obično slijedi pauza od pola sata, nakon koje pomažete serverima, sakupljate prljave peškire i smeće sa plaže. Posao zna biti jako fizički naporan jer se nose teške stvari a i stalno ste na Suncu. Potrebno je solidno znanje engleskog jezika jer ćete biti u stalnom kontaktu s gostima, tražiće i pitaće vas svašta. Dobra strana posla je da radite na otvorenom, posao nije monoton, uvijek se nešto dešava , a i na kraju krajeva provešćete 3 mjeseca uz okean i gledati zgodne cure na plaži. :)
- Pozitivno
- Mile Antić
- Celo iskustvo
Hostess, Raybrook, Karavan Travel
8 years agoSatnica: 10.50$ Broj sati nedeljno: 40 Prosek napojnica: 70 $ mjesecno Opis poslodavca: Hotel je luksuzan, sa pet zvjezdica, izguglajte malo i sve ce vam biti jasno. Preporucujem ovog poslodavca, jedan je od najboljih ako ne i najbolja ponuda Karavan travela. Prva greska na intervjuu mi je bila sto sam rekao da mi ie svejedno koju poziciju cu da dodbijem i naravno, dobio sam najgoru: steward (dishwasher). To je najgora pozicija, mnogo se radi, mokri ste od tusa kojim ispirate sudje prije ubacivanja u masinu, "kamioni" prljavog sudja iza vas, sto vise perete, vise prljavog sudja ima i sve to za samo 9 dolara po satu. Na moju srecu taj sam posao radio samo dva dana, jer im je trebao nocni cistac. (overnight cleaner) e taj posao je skroz ok, jedino je nezgodno sto je nocna smjena u pitanju od 23h do 7.30.h. Ali nema rada pod pritiskom jer tokom noci nema menadzera koji vam stoje nad glavom, nocni kuvari vam spreme oko 3 ujutru dobru klopu. A posao kao posao zahtjeva: pranje sudja sto dishwasheri ne stignu da zavrse, a cesto mnogo sudja ostave. Onda, mopiranje podova, izbacivanje kanti za smece u masinu koja sortira, i to iz obje kuhinje, pranje aspiratora itd... Sefovi nekad vas zamole da odvode za vodu operete i slicno... Ali napominjem, nema pritiska, ja sam znao pauzu za obrok da pravim i do sat vremena, cesto da izadjem napolje i udjem malo na internet, jer ostali nocni radnici cesto su koristili smoke pause, neki i sleep pause a ja sam wi fi pause koristio Satnica mi je bila 10.50 dolara, uvijek garantovanih 40 sati sedmicno, a mjesecni tips oko 70 dolara. Smjestaj je u odvojenom motelu od kojeg imate oranizovan prevoz do posla, u motelu bude smjesteno oko 50 studenata sa svih krajeva svijeta, i svi ti studenti rade u Ocean housu. Smjestaj je pristojan, sobe sa wc-om, friziderom i mikrotalasnom su za dvoje, a sobe za 4 oro imaju i kuhinju. imate zajednicku veliku prostoriju sa internetom i kuhinjom i zajednicku masinu za ves. Smjestaj kosta 100 dolara sedmicno i nalazi se na nekih sto metara od plaze i tuda se obicno gleda za dodatni posao.
- Neutralno
- Svetlana
- Celo iskustvo
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