Polar Bear Gift Shop, Anchorage, Alaska, Ayusa
7 years agoIn the beginning, it was hard for me beacuse of time zones and rain, but from day to day I got used to it and I could go back there again. I went there with idea that this is not the classic America we see on TV. The city is somehow sloppy, but it's lovely to me.
- Pozitivno
- Lidija Šalipur
- Celo iskustvo
Mali grad, dobra klima..
- Pozitivno
- Jelena
- Celo iskustvo
Prelepa priroda. Grad je mali, ali to je dobro za ljude koji vole pesacenje, uzivanje u vremenu na Aljasci jer nije vruce tokom leta.
- Pozitivno
- Katarina Krizanic
- Celo iskustvo
Ima velikih mogucnosti za nalazenje drugog posla.
- Pozitivno
- Nemanja
- Celo iskustvo
Orso, Anchorage, Work and Travel Group
8 years agoSavrsen grad u svakom pogledu.
- Pozitivno
- Ilija
- Celo iskustvo
Prelepa Aljaska.
- Pozitivno
- Andjela Babic
- Celo iskustvo
Vrh, ne bih se vracao da nije bilo super :)
- Pozitivno
- Nikola
- Celo iskustvo
Great Alaskan Holidays, Anchorage, AK, Karavan
8 years agoI was there twice, there are a lot of our students, the city as the city is not very interesting, for those interested in hiking there are plenty of outdoor activities
- Pozitivno
- Aleksandar
- Celo iskustvo
Enkoridž je mali grad i preporučujem ga svima koji vole planinarenje, prirodu..
- Pozitivno
- Ivana
- Celo iskustvo
Enkoridz je mali grad i nema puno stanovnika, ali za vreme sezone je popularno turisticko mesto za ljubitelje prirode. Ima mnogo parkova i jezera, a jos lepsa mesta se nalaze na oko 30 minuta do sat vremena voznje kolima. Sto se tice klime, jun i jul su topli i ne toliko kisoviti kao avgust i septembar. U septembru kisa postane stvarno dosadna pogotovo kad moras bajsom na posao.
- Pozitivno
- Djina
- Celo iskustvo
Home Depot , Anchorage, Alaska, Ayusa
8 years agoAko volite prirodu, mesto je vrh. Malo ima mesta za izlazenje tipa klubova i barova, ali sve se to nadomesti pravim drustvom i izletima :)
- Pozitivno
- Nevena
- Celo iskustvo
Polar Bear Gifts, Anchorage, Alaska, Ayusa
8 years agoNow that everything is finished, I can say that it was ok, but I wouldn't go back again to Alaska. It is good as regards earnings and because you have nowhere to spend the money if your goal is to earn and return as much as possible. Alaska is not a "that America" that we all imagine and there literally do not have what to do other than to work :D All you have to see and visit can done it in a few days and to make the most of the end of June while still beautiful weather, but in mid-July has started to rain and is not stopped until the middle of September until I was there. What would I recommend and what should not be missed if you're already, there is a tour of the glacier.
- Neutralno
- Katatina Babic
- Celo iskustvo
Although I personally am not too disappointed because I initially wanted to go to Alaska in order to escape from the summer in Anchorage can be a little depressing, boring and dull, especially if you've dreamed about going somewhere else. Despite having roughly the same population as Novi Sad, area of the city is huge and takes a long time to get from point A to point B if you do not have a car, so it is advisable to find another job that is located near an apartment or a first job. The public transport is no great benefit for years, especially on weekends when the first bus going around 8-9, 5-6 in a final, and is sometimes faster to get bike to the desired location. Since all spoken driving, the streets are often (semi) empty, and the situation is not very much different in the clubs, so you can bypass Anchorage wide berth if you dream in a crazy night out. Going to the nature of the definition of Alaska adventure and you will be sure to spend the best moments on a lake or the mountain. The weather is quite nice in the summer, in June and July is known to be about 20-25 degrees, September was also quite warm this year, although there were rainy days, but nothing worse than what we have seen in Serbia. All in all, do not overdo it with winter clothes, even if it is something you would need a wardrobe prices are more or less the same as in Serbia. As far as the general standard can not compare it to other cities in the United States because I have never lived nor spent enough time to gain a good impression. People with whom I was in contact were paying rent ranging between 200-400 dollars, depending on how many were in one place, the director does not leave too much especially if you have a lot of roommates. When it comes to another job, start to look for it at the time - the options are many, and students who are looking for employment even higher, as interest in Alaska every year is growing.
- Neutralno
- N. P.
- Celo iskustvo
Aljaska je prelepa, priroda, polarna svetlost...
- Pozitivno
- Andjela Babic
- Celo iskustvo
Alaska's largest city (not the principal) the size of Novi Sad, which lives only in summer. Tourists generally use it as a base for visiting the natural beauty of Alaska in the vicinity. Few people come just for Anchorage. At the macro level, the location is bad considering that the city is closer to the North Pole than the United States or at the micro level is excellent. At the best place in Alaska, tucked away in a bay (fjord), which sets deep into the mainland and is relatively close to all attractive locations. The climate is amazing goods due to the positive impact of warm sea currents, so there will be no problems with acclimatization. No snow and the temperature is 25 degrees year ago. On the day of my return (6.10.) It was colder in Belgrade than in Anchorage. For work, location is plentiful. However, this year there was a problem. In previous years, the Anchorage was valid witness "amassed a lot of money, so I bought two casinos in Vegas and one Caribbean island." As soon as you mention a lot of money soon appears and the hill Serbs. Journalists say to us this year was about 500 (facebook group of Anchorage in 2016 has over 600 members). Now, to the hill of Serbs from the hills of possible locations for a second job only made hill. But in addition, rare were those who did not have another job. There really are many shops and find another job are not the only ones who did not genuinely effort. But there is an impression that the mountain of Serbs significantly reduced the number of those who can buy an island. Salaries are good. Minimum wage in Alaska is 9.75 $ so if your goal is money, it is difficult that you can experience a debacle. People say that this season was very poor due to many factors, but this is relative. Me, say it was not bad. Basically, it's all yours, though there are a small share of happiness. Overall, the assessment of the location is positive. It's far, but there's a lot to see, experience, experience. For example. I was twice face to face with a huge moose, then I saw the Aurora Borealis (polar light) and the feeling is not-o-pi-gray, visited glaciers, mountains ... I only regret that it was not J1 students from other countries Saint. Six Turks and seventeen Bulgarians is far from sufficient. Night life there or not what we are used to. Most places are bars rather than clubs. Bar-type solid music and a dance floor near the table with billiards, darts and TV. There are a couple of clubs, of which the most popular Bernies. The story even if it's a gay club. The menu is frankly sucks because it is the dominant type of music a nigga 'hip hop that we do not want. A norms of behavior in these clubs are witness to a separate analysis. If you decide to Anchorage, here are some bonus tips: Buy the cheapest bike in the Wal-Mart, because without it you prop'o. Tactic is clear, bikes said warranty after a month it should be returned a few days before that, on the pretext that it was broken and dangerous to life. They provide the same to replace the bike or the other at the same price. I also 4 times until you do eventually return 100% of the money and it turns out you were driving 4 months for free. So I did. Next, watch the car. Many of us have been hit by a car on the bike. They are not accustomed to bikers so they do not even notice. Do not trust the drivers are not even in a traffic light but only in themselves. Watch and watch out for yourself and for them. I mean it, it was more serious accidents! Buy at Wal-Mart because the average has everything you need. The interesting thing like, many pregnant so much that they stole at Wal-Mart, wardrobe, etc. stores. Americans do not steal so im unstable security. This average Serbian immediately sniff out and use. In the end, the US invaded so many captured, and the application, the police, the trial ... Do not steal because even imagine the country from which you come. That we do not memorize as itching crooks.
- Pozitivno
- Danilo Bojanić
- Celo iskustvo
Glacier, Anchorage, AL, Work and Travel Group
8 years agoOdlicno mesto za zaradu, smestaj je bas jeftin i ok je. Lokacija je super za zaradu, dobre satnice, radio sam 2 posla i zadovoljan sam zaradom.
- Pozitivno
- Boban Stankovic
- Celo iskustvo
Princes tours, Anchorage Alaska, AYUSA
8 years agoGreat chance for another job , the city beautiful, big, has everything you need ...
- Pozitivno
- Princes crew
- Celo iskustvo
Home Depot, Anchorage, Alaska, AYUSA
8 years agoAnhcorage, najveci grad Aljaske. Tokom maja,juna i jula temperatura je prijatnih 25tak stepeni i 24 sata dnevno je suncano tj nema noci i tame. August i septembar su uglavnom kisoviti, sa mogucim snijegom tokom septembra. Lokalci su ljubazni, opusteni i komunikativni.Centar grada je mali, sa par ekskluzivnih restorana, nekoliko barova i jednom diskotekom. Sve imaju zabranu ulaska ispod 21 god, i po meni ne vrijedi nesto posebno se interesovati za nocni zivot, posto i nije nesto popularan. Mogucnost pronalaska drugog posla je velika, samo je takodje konkurencija u centru velika, jer uglavnom Bugari dodju ranije pa pokupe bolje pozicije. Preporucujem da trazite poslove u midtown i south Anchorage. Otprilike svako cilja na neke pozicije konobara gdje se uzima veliki baksis. Po meni je to pogresno, jer nema toliko otvorenih mjesta, konkurencija je velika, sati slabi i logicnije je raditi u najblizem Walmartu full time, nego cekati da li ce vas restoran pozvati, i ako pozove pitanje je koliko sati cete uopste dobiti. Grad je idealan za one koji zele ukombinovati dosta fizicke aktivnosti, biciklo, trcanje, planinarenje i sl. Problematicno je naci smjestaj, preporucujem svima da se prethodno upoznaju prije dolaska u Ameriku, i dogovore da zive zajedno i da dijele troskove, posto na craiglistu cijena neke pristojne privatne sobe iznosi i do 600 dolara.
- Pozitivno
- Harun Gogic
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Celo iskustvo
Grad je tipican americki, vrlo lep bez mnogo guzve. Ljudi nisu tipicni amerikanci, vise su tradicionalisti, i vrlo su ljubazni prema studentima, pogotovo nama Srbima. Priroda je vrlo lepa, sve ukupno moze da se vidi svasta.
- Pozitivno
- Nebojsa Trkulja
- Celo iskustvo
Anchorage je lep grad, velik je, centar grada je mali, centar nije zanimljiv sem jednog soping-mola, ali ne nesto interesantan. Grad je tih i miran, ne previse uzbudljiv. Sto se tice drugog posla svi su ga imali sem mene :) ja ga nisam ni trazila zbog prekovremenih sati na prvom poslu.
- Pozitivno
- Ne zelim da otkrivam
- Celo iskustvo
Microtell, Anchorage, Alaska, AYUSA
8 years ago- Pozitivno
- Celo iskustvo
home depot, anchorage ,alaska, AYUSA
8 years agolako sam nasao drugi posao,mnogo bolje ngo kada sam prvi put bio na w&t programu...topla preporuka
- Pozitivno
- Ivan Dragic
- Celo iskustvo
Grand hotel, Alaska, AYUSA
8 years agoima posla ,ja sam pored grand hotela radio i u princess hotelu..dosta studenata mahom iz istocne evrope
- Pozitivno
- Bosko Martinovic
- Celo iskustvo
Grad je lijep, priroda, cisto, galebovi u centru samom, okean blizu, planine.. MIran je, nema mnogo ljudi, nije guzva, kao veci Novi Sad. Nocni zivot je uzas, pola 3 sve se zatvara, klubovi bezveze, kao magacin sa stolovima, ali ajde, dobra muzika, pice i drustvo pa je sve super. Ljudi u gradu su fini, hoce da pomognu, da upute i sl, najveci problem su nativci-eskimi koji su se docepali alkohola i tako tumaraju ulicama. Malo je problem i to sto nema stalno gradski prevoz, ali bajs je zakon :D Ma meni je bilo super. Ljeto prelijepo, nije mnogo vruce, nije padala kisa, bilo je ljepse nego kod nas. Malo je nezgodno kad gledas necije slike ko radi na moru, sunca se i kupa, a mi i ne bas..mada, kad mnogo radis nemas vremena, ali ima dosta toga zanimljivog na drugi nacin, ima mnogo sta drugo da se radi i vidi. Sto se tice mogucnosti nalazenja drugog posla, ako dodjes u maju, malo se razocaras, prvo jer je grad prazan, drugo ne zaposljavaju mnogo, ako bas imas srece, tek kad krene sezona, nekad sredinom juna, ali ima mnooogo restorana i brze hrane i uopste, hotela i sl. Restorani brze hrane i veci dio hotela nalazi se izvan centra, u midtown-u, pa ako radis u downtown-u, malo je nezgodno biciklom, ali na sve se naviknes.
- Pozitivno
- Aleksandra
- Celo iskustvo
Grad ima oko 300.000 stanovnika, ali je dosta nasih studenata ove godine otislo tamo. U prvih mesec dana je bilo tesko naci drugi posao, ali je vec nakon tog perioda bilo moguce naci drugi, pa i treci posao. Mesto je prelepo sto se prirode tice. Zaista sam uzivala u zalascima sunca svakog dana nakon zavrsenih smena. :) Naravno vikendi su tu za sjajan provod u lokalnim klubovima, dj-evi znaju sta rade, koktela kakvih samo mozete da sanjate :D Sve u svemu, sjajno iskustvo!!!
- Pozitivno
- Sara Dragicevic
- Celo iskustvo
Sto se tice dodatnog posla u Anchorage-u dodatn i posao ne nadje samo onaj ko ne zeli da radi . :) Ogroma su mogucnosti za pronalazenja 2 posla. Pored mog prvog posla kombinovao sam jos 2 poslodavca u skladu sa slobodnim vreemenom i smenama.
- Pozitivno
- Milojevic Stefan
- Celo iskustvo
Home Depot, Anchorage, Alaska, Intrax Macedonia
8 years agoWage per hour : 10.75 Number of hours per week : 32 Average tips : Options for the second work has a lot and you only need to have desire and energy. Climate through the year is a very pleasant 20 to 30 degrees. A lot places to visit, Alaska is rich with natural beauties. Cities are not very big , several streets in center and countless restaurants gift shops and opportunities for work .
- Pozitivno
- Lara
- Celo iskustvo
It is not such a problem to find extra work because it is a seasonal town and during the summer everything works. almost everyone I know have found extra work . Last year was the warmest - a majority of around 20 degrees , people are nice but the city is expensive . Whoever says the contrary, was apparently in other cities so can not and does not know how to compare . There is nothing special for the night life , the majority of people spend time in the countryside outside the city so you will not see no people to enjoy a beautiful day, a walk ...
- Pozitivno
- S. S.
- Celo iskustvo
Sky Chefs, Anchorage, AL, Student Adventures
8 years agoSto se tice generalno Aljaske ,gde god da odete ,bice dobro za novcanik :) Tamo se ide iskljucivo zbog zarade. Lep je Anchorage ,posao na svakom cosku,puno hotela, nema crnaca,stopa kriminala je niska.Vreme je kao prolece od 10- 30 stepeni ,varira u toku dana. Zna nekad da bude i dosta kisa. Nocnog zivota nema,ali je u sezoni pepun turista,koji obilaze neke druge znamenitosti.
- Pozitivno
- Nikola Gacic
- Celo iskustvo
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Najnovija iskustva
Forest Suites Resort, South Lake Tahoe, Karavan Travel
Odnos sa menadzerom he skroz korektan, na pocetku sam dobijala dosta sati I prekovremenog, medjutim kako je dolazilo vise J1 studenata, dobijala sam manje dana. Pa je neophodno naci drugi posao. Organ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Feb 14, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Big Bear motel, Cody, Wyoming, Karavan Travel
Satnica 9.50 $, sati 35-40 , smještaj 20$ Poslodavci,odakle krenuti... Od dolaska u Cody pa do odlaska iz Cody-a 4 mjeseca kasnije, poslodavci su nam nametnuli jak tempo. Radi se svaki dan bez prava...
Desimir Kovačević
Feb 7, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Sun Valley resort, Idaho, Karavan Travel
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jan 24, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Cherie's Bike & Blade Rentals, Virginia Beach, VA, Karavan Travel
Menadzeri su divni, nagodni i druzeljubivi. Posao je lagan ali se obavlja na otvorenom i satnica je 9$.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jan 17, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Beach Plaza hotel, Ocean City, Experience
Daju premalo sati, gledaju da sto vise zakinu, supervizori mrze J1 studente. Konstantno se radi sa Meksikancima, i ne dozvoljavaju da se sjedne, nego samo rad, rad i rad, iako su placeni manje nego mi...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jan 15, 2020 Celo iskustvo